Where it all started – Growing in Grace

Where it all started – Growing in Grace

Where it all started – Growing in Grace

My journey of growing in grace and starting this blog began with a desire that had been on my heart the past 3 years, however I always seemed to find an excuse not to pursue it. Not only because of a comfort zone and time constraints, but because I felt unworthy of sharing my story…my testimony.

The COVID pandemic made me realise that life should be more than just “surviving”, especially from a mental and emotional perspective. Every year, I had the motto of not settling for a mediocre life, but I struggled to understand what that meant when I was already living what I considered my best life. I had the urge to do something more than just my day job as a lawyer… I wanted to make a difference, but in my mind I did not have the platform or “authority” to do so.

I’ve always enjoyed writing, journalling, taking photos and sharing snippets of my life on social media. It is however, easy to create an idea of a picture-perfect life online, even though in reality I’ve experienced a mix of emotions these past few years, including love, joy, uncertainty, heartache, depression and loss.

In 2020 my husband and I went through a miscarriage, struggled with infertility, and underwent numerous medical tests and procedures. By the grace of God we were blessed with a pregnancy and in July 2022 we welcomed our Mianke Rose into our lives. This period of heartache and waiting taught me the power of prayer and the importance of grounding myself in faith to overcome challenges. We were blessed with a tremendous village praying and declaring God’s promises over us. My grandmother even knitted a blanket in faith for our future baby, in line with God’s promise of speaking things into existence (Rom 4:17).

Despite the prayers and trusting God for our miracle rainbow baby, the enemy still came to cloud our minds; bringing uncertainty, doubt and pain, but by the Spirit of the Lord we overcame (Is 59:19). God defended us, encouraged us, and uplifted us on so many occasions when we felt utterly hopeless. We saw the power of speaking life, declaring His promises, and holding onto His Word, for all His promises are Yes and Amen, for God’s glory (2 Cor 1:2).

We overcome challenges and make a difference by the word of our testimonies (Rev 12:11) and we definitely found courage and hope in other people’s testimonies, not only of Abraham and Sarah or Hannah in the Bible, but of friends, family and even strangers.  

Now, a year into motherhood, I can truly testify of God’s goodness and grace. There are days when I feel overwhelmed, but God’s presence sustains me, providing the grace and strength I need. By His grace we grow through what we go through and bring glory to Him in our breakthroughs.

After years of being uncertain of how to make a difference and share my passion for God’s Word and promises, I finally decided to step out in faith and start this blog and business.

The baby items I sell carry specific promises of God and my prayer is that by offering these personalised items each child will be blessed, protected and loved for every word spoken over this child will not return void (Is 55:11)

I hope that by sharing my story, everyday struggles, victories and being authentic, I can inspire you to do the same. I am far from having it all figured out, but trust that this blog and business will touch your heart and encourage you to speak life over your life as well as your children’s. This way we will not only survive but thrive, live a life of abundance (Joh 10:10) and step into His promises.

As a mother I am daily growing in grace… all for God’s glory!


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